Result of the Alumni Manager Election 2023 for the Incorporated Management Committee of Raimondi College
(For the school term 2023/24 & 2024/25)
Dear all eligible voters,
Reference is made to the Notice of the Alumni Manager Election 2023 ("the Election") of the Incorporated Management Committee of Raimondi College ("the IMC") dated 10th January 2023 by the Returning Officers of the Election.
The Candidate Application and Nomination period for the Election of the IMC was closed on 21st April 2023. As of the deadline of the nomination period (11:59pm on 21st April 2023), two (2) candidate applications and respective nominations have been received. The Returning Officers of the Election have reviewed and confirmed the validity of the applications and nominations of prospective candidates.
In accordance with Section 24(8) of the Guide of Alumni Manager Election, to register as a Valid Candidate for the Election (hereinafter referred to as "Valid Candidate"), he/she must obtain not less than twenty (20) valid nominations. The Returning Officers confirmed that only one (1) candidate application of Mr. CHAN, SING FUNG, ADOLPH (Class of 1980) has obtained more than twenty (20) valid nominations. Therefore, Mr. CHAN, SING FUNG, ADOLPH (Class of 1980) is considered as the only Valid Candidate for the election.
In accordance with Section 44 of the Guide of Alumni Manager Election, In the event there is only one (1) eligible candidate being nominated, such candidate shall be considered uncontested, and no Election shall be conducted (on 27th May 2023). In this regard, we are pleased to announce that Mr. CHAN, SING FUNG, ADOLPH (Class of 1980) shall be nominated to the IMC as the Alumni Manager of Raimondi College for the school term 2023/24 & 2024/25. The Association will notify the IMC the result of the Election, and submit the relevant information to the Permanent Secretary of the Education Bureau for the registration of Mr. CHAN as the Alumni manager of Raimondi College for the for the school term 2023/24 & 2024/25.
Mr. CHAN’s profile and election statement can be found in this link.
Thank you.
Returning Officers of the Alumni Manager Election
Dated this 23th May 2023